There's no doubt that you look a lot alike at that age. What happened to that B&W picture I took of Brendon when he was a year old that looked like that too? You should put all three of them together.
We will have to find it.
Oh yes. Looks like there's just one mold for your family.
Why wasn't I blessed with broad shoulders like my brother and his progeny? The choice must have been tall, or broad shoulders.
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There's no doubt that you look a lot alike at that age. What happened to that B&W picture I took of Brendon when he was a year old that looked like that too? You should put all three of them together.
We will have to find it.
Oh yes. Looks like there's just one mold for your family.
Why wasn't I blessed with broad shoulders like my brother and his progeny? The choice must have been tall, or broad shoulders.
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