Monday, December 24, 2012

Elementary, my dear

At the beginning of the school year, a volunteer at Cannon Elementary (where our kids went to school) asked me if I would be willing to spend an hour at the school teaching the kids about how math is used in my occupation.  I agreed, but didn't think the kids would be interested in hearing about accounting.  As Christmas was approaching, inspiration hit.  I asked the volunteer if I could use my turn teaching the kids about how I use math when I build our candy house base.  The idea was quickly forwarded to the principal and before I knew it, I was scheduled to teach all 2nd, 3rd and 5th graders.  I met with individual classes and spent about 30 minutes per class.  The kids seemed to enjoy my presentation.  They seemed most interested in eathing the candy house.  The principal followed me to several classes.  She took pictures and posted them on facebook.  You don't need a face book account to view the pictures.  Go to link:

Page down until you see the candy house.  Click on the title and you will see 9 more pictures.

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