Sunday, June 5, 2011

Pole Climbing Fool

I am a lineman for the county...come on, sing it Ron. The Verizon contract with union employees expires on August 6th. Management folk such as yours truely are being trained to take over if a strike happens. For obvious reasons, us old geezers aren't trusted to use gaffs, so we climb poles either with the use of a latter or metal steps, if they are present on the pole. Uncle John is probably turning over in his grave right now know his own nephew uses a latter rather than the manly gaffs. Oh well.


Mary said...

Nice picture! Also prone to give a mother a heart attack.

Christi said...

The latter looks good on you!

Alison said...

I seem to remember a brother of ours breaking his arm while using the manly gaffs. Yeah for ladders.