Wednesday, June 11, 2008


It's kind of a strange experience having a c-section. We checked in at 8:30 and several things had to happen before Jack was actually delivered. Labs were drawn, consent forms signed, monitors placed, etc. We waited around for several hours then all of a sudden I was wheeled down the hall, prepped and draped and they started cutting away. Even though I was numb I could feel them cutting at my innards. It was so strange to feel that but not feel the pain. All at once here came Jack up over the curtain so we could be (almost) the first ones to know his gender.
I think we were a highlight of the morning for the staff. They were all so excited when I told them we didn't know the baby's gender. Bets were placed left and right.

Jack is a beautiful baby. He surprised us with his blonde hair. He looks more like the Lowe side of the family right now. We'll have to see if he keeps the blonde hair. I think he will. He's been sleeping almost constantly since he was born 24 hours ago. I'm sure that will change soon.

Welcome to the world, little Jack.


Tyff said...

Aww! Congrats! He is so cute! I'm sad we are so far away and won't get to see him for a while. I love the name Jack! I hope you are feeling well. Love you guys!

Marilee said...

Congratulations!!!! I hope this works! I have Lyssa's computer and I'm trying to figure out how to add myself! As soon as I can I will get you pix of Michael! He and Tay are both doing amazing! Michael is beautiful and Tay is the cutest mommy! She is determined to make the breast feeding work. Michael has a struggle with tongue thrust, he apparently sucked on his tongue while in the womb. He has a hard time latching on and sucking correctly. They are both so cute with him! They will come home tomorrow! I'll send more details when I know for sure what I'm doing. All our love to Christi, Jack and family. I think we have such amazing spirits joining our family, don't you think?

Alison said...

How fun to see that blond hair. He looks like a healthy and robust little boy. Congratulations. It's good to have these two babies here safe and sound.
By the way, we got to hold Michael the other night. He's a cutie, too.
Well, enjoy the sleepy stage while it lasts!
Love you

Lyssa said...

Oh how cute is he! It's crazy to have 2 new baby boys just a day apart. They will be good buddies just like Josh and Derek. He's very cute. I can't wait to see him and all of you guys, congratulations. We love you!