Sunday, June 14, 2009

Gold at the end of the rainbow

So there I was, with two friends watching Citizen Kane, when I received a call from my mother telling me to run outside and check out the rainbow that had appeared in front of the house. We proceeded to race outside, grabbing my camera to see if it could capture this spectacle in full 10 megapixel glory. And we were met with quite a sight.

Appearing to set down right in the field, directly in front of us, it was a phenomenal sight. Being the energetic, adventurous boys we are, we set off running into the field, towards the apparent touchdown site of the rainbow, chasing that legendary gold. And we found it.

Pelted with torrential rains, drenched to the core, and fully in awe of all God's creations, it was quite a moment.

And finally, here's a panorama of the whole thing. None of these pictures really do it all justice, but I thought'd I'd share.


BubandTay said...

Those are some awesome pictures Josh! I really like the second one.

Mary said...

Josh, those where fantastic pictures. I think you'll find that the best pictures you will ever take will be "bad weather" pictures. You've just proven that. Keep up the good work.

Lyssa said...

Wow Josh those are incredible!!! I'm impressed. And Grandma is very right