Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Jack Turns One

Jack is finally one. We are so happy he is in our lives. We had Alyssa here for the special day so we took the family to a local hot spot for gourmet popcicles. Jack enjoyed his first popcicle and he ate the whole thing.

We had another, more formal, celebration on Sunday. We made a birthday cake for Jack and Alyssa and opened presents.

I think Kennedy and Tristan were more excited about the gifts than Jack. The cake, however, was enjoyed by even the littlest of my kids.

We have enjoyed having Alyssa with us. It's given us a good excuse to do things that we don't normally do like go to Duke Gardens for a picnic, visit the science museum, play games, go to a movie and finally, go to a musical. We will be sad to send her home tomorrow. She is really easy to have for company.


Alison said...

Happy belated birthday to Jack. What a cutie. Can't wait to see him in person.
I also have to ask, what are gourmet popsicles?

BubandTay said...

This year sure went by fast! Those pictures are adorable. I can't wait to get the boys together so they can play. Michael says Happy birthday cousin Jack, well if he could talk he would.