Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Christmas Plans

For those who read Elder Lowe's last E-mail, yes, we are planning on going on a family cruise without him. I know I encouraged everyone to save up for a cruise so we could all go together. The intent was to go late summer, but we had to deal with a number of logistical issues relating to Derek's mission call. We decided to go on a Caribbean cruise during Christmas break. We will drive to Galveston and leave from there. The cruise is 5 nights. We will spend one day at Progresso, Mexico and another day at Cozumel. The cruise departs Monday, December 21. We will spend all day Christmas on the cruise ship, heading back to Galveston. We plan on sending a letter to Santa informing him to skip our house this year. The cruise is our Christmas. If anyone wants to join us, please do!


Alison said...

Sounds like fun. Too bad we've already planned a different cruise to Hawaii. Out of curiousity, though, how much would it be?

talltimber said...

We have a cabin that fits all five of us. The average cost is slightly over $500 per person, which includes port charges and taxes. Of course, excursions are extra. Parasailing is top on our list (though Amanda is too young).