Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Tristan Turns Four

Tristan's birthday was Saturday and so was his party. We decided to do a construction theme. We had seven kids all together. Kennedy was off at a party for her friend and Jack slept the whole time so we were able to give all our attention to the party.
For decorations I used yellow caution tape. I taped off the driveway and made some orange signs that warned, "Road Work Ahead" and "Yield For Fun". I placed the signs near the road. I also used orange table cloths to match the construction signs. The kids all wore yellow hardhats and Home Depot was nice enough to donate the kids aprons.
We had three games for the kids to play. We split them up into two groups for the first two games. One group tossed beanbag "bricks" into the wheelbarrow while the other group dug for prizes in the sandbox. Then we had two teams race each other in a dump truck relay. They had to race their dump truck through the caution cones to a pile of rocks at the end, place one rock in the bed of the truck and race back to the starting point and empty the truck. The kids really enjoyed these games.

The cake was my favorite. I got a cake from Sam's Club and decorated the top with Oreo cookie "dirt" and colored coconut grass. I bought a package of Matchbox Cars construction vehicles-see the dirt inside the dump truck? I also had a big bag of foam road sign stickers. I stuck some "road work ahead" signs to some toothpicks and put them around the work site.

All in all the party was a smash hit!


Alison said...

What a fun party! I think you and I need to get together and write a birthday party book.

Mary said...

Cute pictures. It was even better than I envisioned it as you were explaining it to me on the phone. Tristan should remember his fourth birthday for the rest of his life.

Christi said...

Al, I have been thinking the same thought. When I was planning Kennedy's party I looked at our library for a book with ideas and didn't really find anything. I always think it would be nice to have a book with the planning all done so you didn't have to stress about all the details.

Tyff said...

Yes write a book! You guys are so creative! I bet Tristan had a blast. These pics are so cute!