Sunday, March 20, 2011

Spring Break with the Lowes

We had a nice visit with the Lowes last week. They arrived Monday evening, just in time for a late supper of soup and hot rolls.

We started early Tuesday morning with a visit to a local plantation home called Ayr Mount. Here we are after our hour-long tour. We had planned to go on the walk around the grounds and then have a picnic but it tuned out to be too cold for a picnic so we went back to our house for lunch and some quiet time..

That night we had a big meal with ribs, cornbread, a couple of salads, sweet potato fries and key lime pie for dessert. Then we played Dalmuti (pictured above: Chris, Great Dalmuti; Jared, the Greater Pee-on) and taught the Lowes how to play Mexican Trains.
Thursday the weather was a little bit nicer. Chris took Steve, Kristin and Jared to Duke campus while I took Mandy and Jack to the Life and Science Museum.
While Jack napped that afternoon I took the Lowes to Bennett Place Memorial which is just down the road from our house and is the site of the largest Civil War troop surrender. We went to dinner that night and then more Mexican Trains.
Thursday morning was departure time for the Lowes but we were able to visit one more historical site before they left: Duke Homestead, aka The Tobacco Museum.
I have to say, my kids loved having company. Even though it wasn't their spring break we were able to do some fun things together. It was nice for my kids to get to know their cousins better and, it's hard to say, but I think there was a little "hero worship" going on in our home. . .


Mary said...

Great Pictures! Yes, Jared and Tristan DO look a lot alike. When you see them together like that you can definitely see a resemblance.

Tamsyn said...

I was actually thinking how much Jared looks like Rachel. I've never noticed the resemblance so much before.

Alison said...

That last comment was made by me, Alison.