Sunday, October 30, 2011

Happy Halloween 2011 or Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious

Back and forth we went, trying to agree on a costume for the ward trunk or treat. I wanted to be a jailbird and have Chris dress up as a police officer. Chris wanted to be Lawrence of Arabia but we couldn't think of a matching costume for me. I countered with Knight in Shining Armor and Damsel in Distress. No good.

Then we went to the beach. Then it rained. Then we went to Walmart and bought a few movies to watch while it rained. Then we agreed on this:

I know Mary Poppins has dark hair and I don't exactly look like her but I looked like her enough that people knew who I was, even without Burt the chimney sweep standing next to me.We had a great time at the ward trunk or treat. We laughed when we saw our friend dressed like the bird lady from Mary Poppins. We just had to get our picture taken together!


Alison said...

So cute! Almost makes we wish I enjoyed coming up with Halloween costumes.

Mary said...

I love your costumes. Where did you get the hat? It's just perfect. And where did you get a chimney broom? This is your best idea yet!