Monday, November 14, 2011

Basketball Kickoff

Last Saturday was the basketball kick-off dinner for Grapevine High. As part of the festivities, we had a father/son basketball game. Jared and I got tip-off duties. As expected, he cleanly tipped the ball to his teammate. Jared set up on the low post. He unexpectedly ran out about five paces, so I followed him. As he received a pass, I felt an immovable force on my back. Jared made his move to the basket and the screen rendered me powerless to counter. I could only watch as Jared threw down a two handed crowd pleasing, head turning power dunk. Later in the game, I countered with my scoop move. The footwork was flawless, the scoop was perfection, the ball somehow bounced harmlessly off the rim for a miss. Yes, my game has seen better days. I somewhat made up for it by making a nice mid-range "jump" shot. The varsity thought they won, but actually the dads did because there weren't any injuries.


woodshopron said...

You didn't try straight arming him and going up with the hook shot like I used to try on you? You always blocked it anyway! Man I'm short! Now you know how I felt!!!!

Alison said...

Wish we could have been there to see the show.

Christi said...

So glad there weren't any injuries. . .