Saturday, February 25, 2012

Pinewood Derby and Quilting

In January I went to the beach with my quilting friends where it was a 5-day quilting frenzy/food fest (i.e. heaven). I made several quilts including this one.

This one was made two weeks ago for Chris's co-worker who is having a baby girl and invited us to the baby shower (see, I CAN make a quilt, start to finish, all by myself).

Our cub scouts had a fund raiser and allowed anyone who wanted to participate to join them in a pinewood derby. It was such good practice for us. I had never even been to a derby before let alone made a car. We both realized we have a lot to learn. The kids had fun (well, except for Kennedy, because she didn't win. . . .).

And that's all I have pictures for to prove I have been busy. There have been other things but I don't have picture. Please post. I miss all of you and want to know what you are doing. I love you!


Mary said...

Wow! When you blog you cover an entire year (almost.) I loved both of your quilts. You did a good job on the quilting as well as the piecing. I loved the pictures of the kids, especially Tristan and Jack in the girlie outfits.

Alison said...

The quilting retreat does sound heavenly. Thanks for all the fun pictures.