Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Almost done!

We finished installing the cabinets and appliances at around 5:30 today. When we started installing yesterday it became apparent that in the 50's there were 3 choices for building materials, straw, sticks, or bricks. Mom and Dad being the wise people that they are chose bricks. Apparently when you choose bricks it doesn't include "sticks", aka 2x4's. We had to abandon install and purchase the necessary anchors for hanging cabinets to plaster and brick. I took the day off work just in case and its a good thing I did. It went pretty good and with Bretten's help we finished quicker than I had planned. I wrote a letter to explain how all this came about and left it along with the bow on the oven. I wrote a P.S. on the bottom and said "there is even talk of going in on some cabinet doors for next Christmas". Just wish I could of had those all done too! Shouldn't take me too long to make the doors. Let me know what you all think of them. It was a fun project. Pretty fun taking a hammer to the old cabinets too!


talltimber said...
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talltimber said...

WOW! Ron is a master craftsman. You did a fantastic job. I knew you would do a good job, but you exceeded expectations. I can't wait to taste one of mom's pies fresh out of her brand new oven. If it weren't for Jared's basketball, we'd make a quick trip for Thanksgiving. Oh well. Nice to dream once in a while! Good Job. Mom and Dad, we love you and enjoy!!

Alison said...

Wow! is right. They look awesome.

Lyssa said...

Good job Daddy and Bretten, they're gonna love love love it! I can see grandma's face now.... :O oh! Oh my!

BubandTay said...

Dad, it looks freakin awesome!! we were saying how we wish we coulda been there to see the look on their faces when they got home. I totally agree with Lyss on the "Oh! Oh My!" I can hear Grandma's voice! Bub says Grandpa would say, "Oohmaawoord". But great job Dad and Bretten!!!

Christi said...

Looks AWESOME! Is that a microwave too? Thank you so much for your hard work. I bet they had no idea. . .

Mary said...

My Dear Children!
Never in my whole life have I been so totally surprised!!!! I had no clue that all the planning and secret whisperings were going on behind my back. When I walked in the kitchen about 10:30 Pm, my focus was on the pans stacked on the cabinet above the dish washer. I was puzzled about how they "got out of the cupboard" without my help. "Who could have done that when the doors were locked???: *I turned around to see if there was something I was missing and couldn't believe what I was seeing. I stood there dumbfounded, then I yelled "Holy Cow!" (Uncharacteristic for grandma, I know) My dear husband came running to see what was wrong. We both stood there with tears in our eyes as we realized it was an early Christmas gift from the children and grandchildren we love so much. Thanks to all of you from the bottom of our hearts.

Tyff said...

Nobody deserves it more! Good job Daddy and Bretten! It looks beautiful!