Sunday, October 17, 2010

Winds of Change

Change is always hard for me. However, fall is one change I look forward to. I really enjoy the weather here in North Carolina in the fall. We went to the beach for a week and it was beautiful. It's always amazing to me that you can actually get in the ocean and swim in October! We have about another month of "perfect" weather ahead of us.
Last week there were some changes announced in our church meetings. The bishop informed us that some of the ward boundaries were being moved to strengthen weaker wards and relieve some wards busting at the seams. Our ward was one of the ones losing people. This meant that some of the permanent families in the ward were moved into another ward. We barely made the cut-off.
Chris and I were aware of another change that was going to happen in our ward that was not known to everyone else until today at our stake conference. There was a lot of stake business so the first half hour or so was dedicated to this. One of the first announcements was that because of the boundary changes our stake president lost one of his counselors. Our bishop took his place. In turn, our ward got a new bishop. Can you guess who it is??????
Again, change is always hard for me, but I am looking forward to supporting my husband in his new calling. It seems the busiest people get called to these kind of callings. I feel like we have been so blessed and it's a pleasure to serve the Lord from whom all our blessings come. I know He loves us and cares for us. I see His hand in my life every day.


Alison said...

Give our best to Chris in his new calling. We know the Lord will watch over both of you and make you equal to the task. Love you both!

woodshopron said...

I know he will do a great job. They do always call those who have alot on their plate. He will be blessed with a bigger plate!

Mary said...

We are thrilled for Chris to be a Bishop. We know the Lord called the right person and we know you will support him with all of your heart. We love you both.

Tyff said...

Wow congrats to Chris! He will be such an awesome Bishop!