Friday, July 25, 2008

Camping we go!!

Since Brendon had some time off for the 24th, we decided to take advantage of it and plan a camping trip. Camping with a 6 week old is a whole new world for us, but I have to say it was a complete success!! Instead of going to our property in Manti, we decided to try something new so we headed up Spanish Fork Canyon to the Manti-Lasal National Forest. This was great because it was only about 30 miles from our house, and it gave us a chance to use our tent trailer. It doesn't have any air conditioning so Brendon, as handy as he is, rigged up our old swamp cooler to sit on our four wheeler and blow in one of the windows. As ghetto as it looked.... it worked great and kept us nice and cool inside when it was 100 degrees outside. Michael was our little Happy Camper!! And needless to say this is just the begining of many more camping excursions to come.
On another note, Michael is doing great! He is growing so fast, and its no wonder with how much this little man eats. He is now wearing all 3 month clothing and the 6 month stuff is ready to go. Michael just loves the outside. During the day he and I just lay out on the lawn and chill, and at night, we take our nightly family walks to the park. For the most part, his hair is blonde, but those eyes are sure looking brown. Michael has my eyes and chin, and Brendon's nose and body structure. It is just so fun watching him grow and change. He changes so much from week to week, and even day to day. Sleeping through the night is one of his many talents!! For the most part he can make it all the way through. We are excited for more of the family to meet him this weekend!


Mary said...

Taylor: I enjoyed your dialog on camping. You are doing a great job with your stories and pictures. Keep it up--especially pictures of that baby. I can hardly wait to see you and Brendon and Michael on Sunday. I hope you make it in time for church.

Christi said...

How fun. You are quite adventurous. I just stay at home, mostly, when I have a baby--too much work for me! Although, with two older kids, it's not easy to stay at home. It's not really fair to them. Glad you are doing well and adjusting to motherhood. Thanks for sharing.