Monday, May 18, 2009


Hello. . .I know it's been awhile since I have blogged. This is what has been happening. . .

Kennedy has her last week of preschool this week. I have a pretty busy summer planned for her. On top of company (Alyssa) and traveling she has two weeks of swim lessons, three summer camps, tap lessons and horse riding lessons. She has had a wonderful preschool year but she is excited to start kindergarten. She is doing well with her writing and she is starting to read well too. Last week they had dress up days at preschool. One of the days she was supposed to dress up like a character in a favorite book. She thought of Daisy Head Maizy. You can see her in the orange dress in the above picture. There is also a picture of her playing baseball. She is also enjoying dance and her recital is in two weeks.
Tristan is excited to have his sister home more. However, I wonder how many days it will take for him to realize that he has it pretty good right now while she is at school. He gets a whole three hours to himself with no siblings (Jack napping) every day. He is a busy three-year-old. He enjoys playing outside and with his trucks still. He is starting to write his letters.
Jack's new nickname is tsunami Jack. He destroys everything in his path. His favorite things are emptying any cupboard (see picture above) or drawer, lifting the toilet lid and seat, climbing the stairs, and unrolling the toilet paper.
Chris and Christi work too hard, are exhausted at the end of the day, don't get enough sleep

and can't wait for a vacation.

We are very excited to start planning our trip to Utah. We arrive on the 18th and will be able to stay two weeks. It's been two years since we went home and I am excited to see everyone.


Mary said...

That's quite the collage. How did you do that? Jack has truly grown up, hasn't he? We can hardly wait to have you come for the summer.

Alison said...

Great pictures. I'd like to know how you did it, too.