Wednesday, August 5, 2009

It's official. Elder Randall entered the MTC today. We were able to keep the tears to a minimum, although we'd shed enough the previous few days to make up for it.
Tuesday evening, Josh received a wonderful blessing from our Stake President, who came to our house to set him apart. We're proud of him, and know that he'll make an excellent missionary. Here's his address at the MTC if anyone would like to drop him a line:
Elder Joshua Jeffrey Randall
MTC Mailbox #90-1006
Canada Halifax Mission
2005 N. 900 E.
Provo, UT 84604-1793


woodshopron said...

We are also very proud and know that he will do very well. We wish him the best. He will be in our prayers for the next two years along with Derek. We love you guys.
Ron, Marilee and Alyssa

Christi said...

It was good to read his first letter. Sounds like they have him busy already.