Sunday, May 16, 2010

Out of the Ordinary Week

I suppose you've noticed that I haven't posted much lately. There just hasn't been anything exciting or interesting to write about. Our lives have been pretty ordinary.
Until this week. We heard on Thursday evening that our water was contaminated and that we should boil it before drinking. So we spent the next few days in a Third World country it seemed. How do you wipe off the counter without using tap water, anyway? I found some creative ways to do it. Sickness has been rampant in our neighborhood and the one to the north of us. People have had IV's for dehydration, been hospitalized, you name it. We escaped pretty lightly with some stomach pains and some nausea on my part. Jeff and the girls weren't affected. I guess it's still possible, even though the boil order has been lifted.
The out-of-the-ordinary didn't end there, either. Although this one is more ordinary for our area. Our ward was realigned today. We are now back in the Saratoga Springs 7th ward. Two streets of our subdivision were lopped off and put a ward with another smaller subdivision and some "field people." This also meant that Jeff was released from his calling in the bishopric. I, too, was part of a mass releasing from callings, which means I'm no longer teaching gospel doctrine, unless I get recalled to the same position. We'll see. The next few weeks should be interesting. Maybe I'll have more to post . . .


Mary said...

Wow, Alison. You bowled me over with that one. I am glad we were there to hear your "last" lesson but I hope they put you back in because you are a wonderful teacher. Do you have a new Bishopric yet, or is that in the works?

Christi said...

Is Tamsyn's friend still in your ward?

Alison said...

No, Tamsyn's friend is not in the ward.
As for the bishopric, we were moved into a ward that already had a bishop. Two new counselors were called as part of the changes, one of which is our next door neighbor. The other we don't know.