Monday, May 31, 2010


Tristan played on the Racoon's team this year. He was as good as a 4 year old could be. He had a friend from the ward on his team and made many new friends while learning the sport. We hope to see more playing in the future and less flower picking!

Kennedy was a key player for the Tiger Sharks. Although this is her first year playing on a team for soccer she was quite aggressive. She maintained a good balance of drive and good sportsmanship.

As first-time soccer parents we had a fun year. It's a lot of work to get these little people to all their practices and games while toting along a raging toddler but we managed. It was just long enough for us to say maybe we will do it again.

1 comment:

Mary said...

Oh, I love my little soccer players. They look so cute in their uniforms.