Sunday, May 1, 2011

From the Mixed-up Files of Mrs. Christi L. Kelsey

Here are some random photos I just downloaded from my camera. . .

Jack lining up his cars. He likes to drive them on his blankie. Sometimes he crinkles it up so it has hills and valleys and hiding places that he calls his cars' homes. This keeps him out of trouble for a maximum of 15 minutes (you will know what I mean when you see the last picture, don't peek!).

All my kids were home from school on Good Friday so I made them a special breakfast. . . pancake bunnies! They were a big hit.

Kennedy in her Easter dress. Isn't she cute?

And finally, I title this one, "Who needs a tornado when you have a Jack?"

An hour before the guests arrived for a baby shower I hosted Saturday, Jack pulled our t.v. out of the stand and it shattered on the floor. To make matters worse Chris was out of town and I was left to clean up the devastation and my pregnant friend and I carried the beast (the t.v., I mean) out to the garbage. We've had this t.v. for our whole 15 years of marriage and it was working just fine, thank you very much. In typical Jack fashion, however, he walked away with just a few minor scratches.

By the way, we have been pretty quiet lately. Do we need to do another contest or something?


Mary said...

Cute pictures! Yes, I think we need another contest. Sometimes I think I'm the only one posting pictures. I really enjoyed your entries today.

Alison said...

Wow, Jack. Tornado just about sums it up. You're a patient mother. I think I would have run to my room crying instead of taking a picture. Thanks for sharing your cute (and alarming) photos.

talltimber said...

I think Chris paid off Jack so he could buy a new HDTV...