Friday, May 9, 2008


The silence has become deafening. I had to write something. I'm sure you're all caught up in busyness like we are. Here's a summary of the goings-on in the Randall house.
School: It seems to be ramping up before it winds down. Lots of projects, tests, etc. For example, Tamsyn has to make a "Rube Goldberg" device. If you haven't heard of him, he's the guy who uses multiple simple machines to do a task. She's trying to pop a ballon and to do so will use the marble ladder, a pulley, dominoes, and a pinewood derby car with a pin on it. This all has to be set up and a successful attempt filmed before Monday. Josh, on the other hand, has been deep in AP testing. Three down, two to go.
Sports: I guess there's really only one sport going on in the family--unless you count watching Jazz games--and that would be Josh's track meets. We spent all of last Saturday at the BYU Invitational. Yesterday and today the region meet is taking place. He did well enough yesterday to make it to the finals this afternoon in two races, the 110 hurdles and 3o0 hurdles. That last one was a spur of the moment thing. This is the first time he's run it this season. I think the coach asked him to do it for possible team points. Josh was suprised by the results.
Church: I've been busy with ward conferences since January. We also had a training meeting in Salt Lake before General Conference, which made us want to go out and retrain all of the ward presidencies. We have a big Stake activity coming up next weekend, a Humaniatrian Aid Day, which will include projects and a speaker: Liz Lemon Swindle. We're excited about it. A lot of work to do still.
Work: Jeff takes off for a few days in New York next week. I don't enjoy having him gone. The frequent flyer points are nice, though.
Well, that's it for us. How about the rest of you?

1 comment:

Lyssa said...

I just read this post, shows ya how behind I am reading the family blog. Sounds like a busy day everyday at your house. I hope all goes well with graduation and summer starting. Life for me is rough right now but I'm getting by