Saturday, March 7, 2009


I could report on Jack being 9 months old but it would sound just like Taylor's report on Michael (except the height and weight measurements). So I have downloaded some pictures of the most exciting things that have happened in our lives the past few weeks.
We have wanted to get this play set for the kids for a long time. It took us a while to save up for it but now we have it and all they want to do is play in the forest on the dead trees that have fallen over! Isn't that just how it goes? Actually, they love their new play set and have actually had a few days to play on it. We had snow on Monday and school was cancelled for two days but by the end of the week it was 80 degrees outside!

Chris and I got our bedroom painted and have FINALLY purchased some bedroom furniture. We have been married for almost 13 years and have just now got the bed! We have enjoyed it so far but I haven't had time to put anything in "my" drawers.

1 comment:

Alison said...

Very nice furniture. Love the playhouse, too. My kids would have enjoyed something like that. We never did reach the point where we could afford it, when they were young enough to enjoy it anyway.