Monday, March 2, 2009

Sigh of Relief

In my calling in the Stake Relief Society, I help get together two big activities a year, a dinner for the Relief Society General Broadcast and a Humanitarian Aid day. In my position on the middle school PTA, I do two book fairs a year. Doesn't sound too bad, does it? Two big things a year for two different organizations. And it probably wouldn't be too bad except that they coincided this year. Twice.
The reason I'm breathing a sigh is that I'm done. I just finished a week of book fair followed by Humanitarian Aid day on Saturday, where we fed over 200 sisters, completed 190 hygiene kits, tied ten quilts and made 76 receiving blankets. Phew.
In other news, I've decided to cancel my family history project because of lack of interest and input on the part of everyone except for my dear mother. Thanks Mom.


Christi said...

Hey! Not a lack of interest from me! I had my Feb. assignment almost done. It's all written, I just have to spruce it up. . . .

Alison said...

Well, that makes two of you, then.
Maybe it was a good idea, but I'm not up for nagging everyone to get their stuff in. So I'm just going to bag it.