Monday, November 9, 2009


We've had computer problems ever since everyone left after the beach week. It's been fun to catch up since I got it back. I was going to post about our beach trip but that's all old news now.

Our kids had a great Halloween. Chris had to leave out of town that morning but I took them to the ward's Trunk or Treat that morning. Kennedy has been obsessed with Harry Potter and dressed like Hermione Granger. She even memorized a few "spells" to compliment her costume. Tristan wanted to "wear a white sheet and be a ghost". Easy enough, however, I really did make his costume out of an old white sheet and I wasn't sure it would make it through all the festivities (preschool parade, county party, trunk or treat, and trick or treating). It was pretty dirty by the time he took it off Saturday night. Jack got what I could find-- a dragon costume. Of course, Kennedy thought it all evolved around her and was trying to convince Tristan that his name was Peeves and Jack that his name was Norbert (Hagrid's dragon).

There were some pretty amazing costumes (children and adult) at our ward party. I had not dressed up. Later that night we went to a party hosted by one of our good friends. At 4:00 in the afternoon I decided that I would dress up after all (we had to leave for the party in an hour). I thought it would be appropriate to dress like a black widow since Chris was not with me. I cut out a red hourglass from some fabric and glued it onto an old black tee shirt and wore black pants. I put on lots of make up and ratted up my hair and put plastic spiders in it. I should have had someone take my picture but I was too busy getting food for my kids and making sure they didn't run off.

Kennedy turns 6 next week, I can't believe it. It seems like yesterday that she was my only child and still a baby. Time flies. We are having a fairy party for her on Saturday. I have had so much fun planning it. I hope it will be magical for her. The past three years we have had her party elsewhere and she really wanted to have a party at home this year. I hope it turns out. I'll keep you "posted".


Mary said...

Your little Trick or Treaters look sooooo cute. Kennedy actually looks like Hermione. Good job!

Alison said...

Cute costumes, as is the invite, too. Enjoy your party. Sometimes I had as much fun as the kids. Until after the presents. Then I was done.