Monday, November 3, 2008

Kelsey Halloween

Life has been so busy with three kids and all the other stuff that life brings that I was really boring this year and bought Kennedy and Tristan's costumes at Party City. Kennedy really wanted to be Ariel from Little Mermaid and I got Tristan a fire fighter costume since he loves fire fighters so much.

We had the ward trunk or treat on Thursday. Tristan had his picture taken with a real fire fighter and he thought that was great. The kids got lots of candy and the Friday night door to door treating was just a bonus. Our friends live downtown and have a big party every Halloween. We start off with a white chili dinner then take the kids out for trick or treating. After a stroll up and down the street we come back for dessert and fireworks. It's always fun.

I was really boring and didn't take the time to come up with a costume for myself. I know, not like me. I've turned out to be a really boring mom. I told Chris that we were dressing up next year. That was after I saw my friend Monica and her family. She has three kids and they all dressed up like cave people and her husband was dressed as the Geico cave man. It was hilarious.


Alison said...

Cute kids. Tristan looks so grown up.

Mary said...

Your little Trick or Treaters look so cute. Wish we could have been there again this year to participate in the fun.

BubandTay said...

Oh the kids look so cute! I can't wait for Michael to be old enough to go trick or treating.

Tyff said...

Cute pictures! That party sounds like a lot of fun!