Friday, November 28, 2008

Texas Thanksgiving

Looks like I will be the first to accept Christi's challenge by posting Thanksgiving pictures. Jared, Tae Ho and I started the day by participating in the annual Grapevine Ward Turkey Bowl.
Next, we started a project. We are remodeling Jared's old room. Step 2 - tear off old wall paper (step 1 - get rid of bedroom set).Some good friends of ours, the Davis family, invited us over for Thanksgiving dinner. Despite my best efforts, I couldn't get Jared to look up for this picture. Tae Ho cooperated.

We polished off the meal with pie. As the picture shows, we had quite an abundance. In fact, we had 18 pies and 21 participants. Yes, there were leftovers!


Christi said...

The pies look delicious. What kind did you have?

Derek said...

more importantly, who won the game?

Alison said...

Wow, and Mom and I thought we made a lot of pies.