Saturday, December 13, 2008

Temple Square

Its funny that Tyff was just saying how she is excited to go see the lights at Temple Square, because Brendon and I just did that. Brendon had it planned out to go after we both got home on Wednesday. So, we got Michael fed and dressed and headed up to SLC. After driving around to find a parking place, (it was so much easier when Tyff and Jason lived like a block away) we got Michael all bundled up and headed toward Temple Square.

I think I forget how beautiful the lights are because every year when we see them I'm still in a shock and awe stage when we first arrive. Michael seemed to enjoy the lights, he just chilled in his stroller as we walked around the grounds. It was a chilly evening, about 32 degrees, but as you can see Michael had plenty of blankets to keep him warm. Brendon ended up carrrying him towards the end anyways.

We walked all around the grounds and we saw these really cool luminers that neither one of us remember ever being there. Some were made out of metal and the others were made from paper bags.

These are just a few of the metal ones, there were lots of different pictures. Well, I just wanted to put these pictures up for all of those people who are not able to see "The lights at Temple Square." Here are a few other pictures to leave you with. Hope all is well with everyone! We love you all!


woodshopron said...

Those are great pictures, thanks for sharing them with us. We used to try to do that every year when our kids small.

Lyssa said...

I loved going to see that the night they turned the lights on. I don't think they've ever had the displays they made from bags and metal before, they're way cool. I think it gets more gorgeous everytime! I can't wait to see you all!

Alison said...

Beautiful pictures, Taylor. Can't wait to see the lights ourselves.

Christi said...

Thanks for sharing. Michael looks so cute with his little eyes poking out. How fun.