Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Conference Weekend April 2009

Wasn't conference wonderful? I'm so excited to go back and read some of the talks. I did miss some just because with three kids sometimes you don't hear everything. It seemed like on Saturday conference started just as it was mealtime or kids were waking up from naps and wanted to play.

On Sunday we had some ward friends over for a brunch. We had an enjoyable time and a nice meal before the morning session. Between sessions we took our usual trip to Duke Gardens where most of these pictures were taken.


Mary said...

I can't believe how big Jack looks. He has changed so much since Christmas. They don't stay babies very long, do they? I love the picture of Tristan throwing the yellow thingies. And Kennedy looks beautiful by the flowers.

Alison said...

What cute pictures. That one of Jack is hilarious.
Conference was wonderful, wasn't it. We had a wonderful weekend spending time with family and soaking in the spirit.