Monday, April 13, 2009

Update on Uncle Alan

I've decided to include an update on Uncle Alan on the blog then I won't have to be calling everybody once a day. Carmen called me a few hours ago and gave me the latest. Alan had just been visited by the doctor and this is the report. The doctor is baffled with his inconsistent progress. One day he seems to improve, the next day he's back to square one. He told Joyce to prepare for a lengthy stay. They told her that a patient should only be on a respirator for 10 days. After that they consider a tracheotomy. They are considering a tracheotomy on Alan. This will be in place until he can breathe on his own. They are also concerned about his weight loss. Since he hasn't eaten for a week they are needing to tank him up on calories. They also want to do another cat scan to see if there is something they missed. Joyce is very discouraged. I talked to her this morning and her voice was lifeless. Her answers were short and to the point. Can you just imagine what it would be like to sit in ICU watching your husband in a comotose state? Not fun! My heart aches for her. Please keep them in your prayers.

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