Monday, April 27, 2009

Spring Fever

Sorry I'm such a slacker! We don't have a whole lot going on to tell about. Siennah is 19 months old now. She is loving nursery. She started a feeding group that is part of her swallow therapy. She loves the group. They get to play on an in door play ground for a half an hour and then they go to another room to eat all different kinds of snacks. They make it a lot of fun for the kids. Siennah is already starting to eat things she wouldn't have anything to do with before. She still has a long way to go though. She is also getting occupational therapy for her "toe walking" every other week. Apparently the tight muscle tone in her legs could also be affecting the tightness in her jaw and neck. I never knew it could all be so complicated but it makes sense. So, anyway that's what we've been focusing on lately.
Jason is still traveling a lot with his job. I hate it but I'm grateful that he still has a job. The pharmaceutical part of the company he works for is being auctioned off. We're not sure exactly what that means for Jason's job yet. He says it could go either way.
I'm loving the nicer weather. We've been going to the park almost every day. Park, swing, and slide are the first words out of Siennah's mouth in the morning!
Here are some cute pics grandma took when we were down there last month.


BubandTay said...

Those pictures are so adorable!! I saw all the others on your facebook and she is growing up so fast. I saw the black and white one on Mom and Dad's fridge, it was my favorite till I saw the one with Papa!!!!!!

Mary said...

It was good to hear from you with an update on what you are doing. I miss those two little GGrandchildren.

Christi said...

She is soooo cute! When I started having my arthritis symptoms my calf muscles were and tendons were really tight. My feet were too. I had pain all the way up my back and into my neck, all over my body, really. When I figured out how to make my feet better everything else got better too.
There are a lot of pharm companies out here in N.C. and we have a swing and slide in our backyard!

Alison said...

So do they know what causes the tight muscles? Sounds like she's keeping you busy. But what a cutie!