Friday, April 17, 2009


Tuesday was Brendon's birthday. I took the day off of work and Brendon took a half a day. We were planning on going on a wheeler ride for a few hours. We had a sitter, the good tires and everything but the rain just wouldn't stop!!! We ended up working on our trailer some more to get it finished. That's what we have been doing every night after Michael goes to bed. While we were working, the rain just kept a comin.
When we called it quits for the night, I headed inside and saw a HUGE worm in the driveway. I remembered then that when it rains alot, worms always seem to come out. I looked around and saw a least 5 just in the driveway. I hollared at Brendon to come and check it out. It was then that I decided to get a box and collect them to put in our garden.

There was 21 in there I think.
We walked up and down the sidewalk and they were just everywhere and all different sizes. I took a few pictures with my foot and Brendon's so you could compare the size of them.

We just thought it was pretty crazy to see that many. There had to be hundreds of them all together. Looking up and down the street, you could see them everywhere. I felt bad because they were getting ran over. I don't have to worry about the 21 that we collected getting ran over, cause we dumped them in our garden.
I showed this picture to my 7 year old nephew and asked him if he thought it was gross and he said, "No, I'm a boy."
I hope that everyone finds this as interesting as we did.


woodshopron said...

Are you sure Brendon didn't mistake them for gummie worms and eat some of them?

Alison said...

This reminds me of when I was pregnant with Megyn and there was a big rainstorm. Afterwards I was out walking with Josh and Tamsyn (in a stroller). Josh saw all those worms out on the sidewalk and felt like we needed to rescue them, but he didn't want to touch them. I'm sure it was a sight watching pregnant me trying to bend over and move all those worms back into the grass where they belonged. (I didn't want to touch them either. I used a stick.)