Sunday, August 10, 2008

Catching up

I've nothing as dramatic as lightning bolts to talk about. We did have a gorgeous rainbow yesterday that stretched clear across the sky and huge raindrops that were more like plops.
Summer is fast coming to a close for our family. The girls have one more week of doing nothing before school starts again. And that's what it feels like we've done this summer--a whole lot of nothing. That's why I haven't posted much. It didn't seem like anything was newsworthy.
We did enjoy a fun get together for Grandma Mary's birthday. Thanks to everyone who came and joined in the party. Probably everyone knows about my surprise present by now. In case you didn't hear, Tyff, my book is now available. I have a copy for you, but keep forgetting to ask for your mailing address. So, I'm asking now.
We also enjoyed visiting with Kristin and Mandy the week they were here. It was a short stay, but, as Megyn put it, "at least we got to have three sleepovers." Keep us posted on the strike situation, Steve.
Our houseguest will be moving out on August 16th. That means the guest room will be available once again. Any takers?


Lyssa said...

Oh, oh, pick me, pick me! I want to come stay in the guest room. I'd love a break from Cedar for a while. And we could play snaps every night ;)
I love your book, I have shown it off to a lot of people! They all tell me that I must get my writing talent from you!

Christi said...

Love the book. I got tears in my eyes when I opened the package. I posted it on my "Goodreads" list. Thanks for sharing. You are amazing!

Tyff said...

Congrats on the book! I can't wait to read/see it! My address is:
1906 W. Garden Ct.
Nampa, ID 83651
Thanks so much!

Alison said...

Lyss, you're welcome to come anytime!
Tyff, thanks. I'll stick it in the mail.