Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Michael is 2 months old and growing like crazy! His check up was on Monday and he weighed in at a whopping 14lbs and measured 25.5 inches. The doctor said, "He's definately going to be a tall one!" My cousin Toni had her little girl on July 19th and she weighed the same as Michael. When I went up to visit her, it was hard to believe that Michael had once been that same size. We are really starting to see the meaning of "They grow up so fast." I'm happy to let everyone know that we finally found a sitter for Michael. As many of you know that was a big concern for us, but all is well now. She even lives right here in Springville about 9 blocks from our house. As much as I am dreading it, I have to go back to work at the beginging of September. I'm pretty sure I'll be out of there before Christmas though. Brendon and I are really excited for our trip to Beaver this weekend to spend some time with Grandma and Grandpa.


Alison said...

Wow! He is growing, just since we last saw him.

Christi said...

Jack is trying to keep up. He's now about 13 1/2 lbs and almost 24 inches. I'm sure Michael will ultimately be taller than Jack. . .he has a MUCH taller daddy. Have fun in Beaver! Go get some cheese curds.