Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Good Day

Today started with croissants and nutella for breakfast. Does it get any better than that? Apparently it does and I will tell you about it presently.
Chris headed off to his meeting so I took my time getting ready. He was gone the whole morning so I set out to do some site-seeing on my own. Just down the road from our hotel is a diamond factory. I walked down and signed up for a tour. I have never seen such beautiful jewels. This company has invented a new process that allows for more cuts in the diamonds which in turn makes it glimmer more. Our tour guide showed us a 4-carat stone cut this way and said it would cost 139,000 euros that's over $200,000 for one diamond!
With a glimmer in my eye I headed over to the Jewish History Museum to look at an old synagog full of religious paraphernalia. I learned a lot about Jewish history, specifically, the Jews in this area. The hollocaust is something that brings tears to my eyes every time I see something about it.
This afternoon I met Chris at the museumplien where we walked through the Van Gogh museum and the rijks museum, which is a museum of Dutch art and history. We came away knowing much more about Dutch art/artists and how they influenced and were influenced by other artists.
So what is better than a bakery croissant smeared with nutella? Today we passed a street vendor selling waffles doused in chocolate syrup and topped with ice cream. It made me so happy. I took a picture of it before we ate it but you will have to wait to see it when I have the ability to upload them.


Alison said...

Yum, on the croissants, double yum on the waffles with syrup and ice cream.
Here's something funny. I asked my brother-in-law, Mark, what there was to do in Amersterdam. He said not a whole lot, "unless you like art and museums and stuff." I thought to myself that it sounded exactly like a place that you and Chris would enjoy. Me, too, actually. We saw "The Diary of Anne Frank" at BYU a couple of months ago. It was outstandingly done. I wish I could have been there with you to tour the actual house.

Mary said...

I've been waiting all day for the rundown on your activities. It made my mouth water with mention of the croissants and waffles. We went to WalMart and had an apple friter. haha Your dad went to the doctor who found out he still has an infection so we're on stronger antibiotics for ten days. I wonder how long this thing is going to stretch out. I would have loved the museums.