Monday, July 4, 2011

Here at last

We Landed in Amsterdam at 6 am local time. We have been awake for 36+ hours and have had a full day.
Today we:
Opened the window shade as we flew over Halifax Canada, waved and shouted "hello" to Elder Randall. Went inside two churches, saw and toured Rembrandt's house, and the royal palace, walked through the flower market and visited the Anne Frank museum. We were actually inside the house where Anne hid.
We smelled:
European body odor, second-hand smoke and an overall sweet smell that was sometimes flowers, sometimes perfume and sometimes smells wafting from the nearest bakery.
We tasted:
Raw herring sandwich (well, Chris did, I didn't)
We saw:
More bikes than you can imagine, lots of people, marijuana seeds for sale, boats on canals and a very busy Amsterdam in action.
We are now off to walk more, taste more, see more and smell more (hopefully it will all be good). Oh, and sleep.


Mary said...

I'm so glad you made it there okay. How fun to hear about what you're doing as it is happening. I hope you get to post a few pictures, too. Love you.

Christi said...

I will have to post pictures later. I can't download my pics to the iPad then post to the blog.

Alison said...

What an adventure. Thanks for keeping us informed as you go.