Friday, July 29, 2011

Wild Flowers

Wild flowers have always been part of my life. As a small child I was captivated by the bright colors and the freedom I enjoyed at being able to pick them to spark a treasured look of approval on my mother's face as they appeared suddenly from behind my back. She never failed to accept them tenderly as she exerted the utmost care to preserve them until they could be situated in a tall, clear glass of water on the kitchen table. There, they remained until the wilted heads demanded to be disposed of. Even today, as I travel along paved highways, my eyes continually inspect the hillsides for Indian Paint Brushes, yellow daisies, Bluebells, and other such wild flowers. Today I was sparked with the same delight experienced by my mother as I entered the kitchen and saw a bouquet of exquisite wild flowers preserved in a clear, tall glass of water on my kitchen table. They had been picked by a most thoughtful son-in-law with the help of some wonderful grandchildren. Thanks, Chris. How did you know that the sight would touch my heart and bring tears to my eyes?

1 comment:

Lyssa said...

This touched MY heart grandma. I love wildflowers too, I want to take you up to Lee's property clear up on top of Cedar mountain. You wouldn't believe how beautiful they are up there. Just yesterday I picked some daisies and a few others from our front yard and put them in a glass coke bottle :) I'm beginning to find more and more reasons why I was named after you