Friday, July 8, 2011


Yesterday we took a train to a small city called Delft but not before I could visit one more museum in Amsterdam, the museum of bags and purses. I was overwhelmed at how many items there were. There were bags, purses, wallets, coin purses and luggage made from all kinds of materials. Some of my favorites were made from glass beads (50,000), peacock feathers, lace, cobra skin and plastic. There was also a nice pair of shoes made from toad skin. There were items dating back to the early 1400s the first purses were given as gifts and used to carry letters. With that being said, in the beginning only the rich owned purses. The collection was amazing and I could have stayed much longer but I had to check us out of our hotel.
It was fun to see some of the Dutch countryside as we traveled on the train. It actually reminded me a lot of Beaver in summer with it's green farm fields and cows. From the train we could see lots of gardens. Most people have some kind of garden whether it's by their home or on a plot in a shared garden. The Dutch seem to have it in their genetic makeup to grow things.
Off the train and a short walk to the city center and our bed and breakfast. This place is beautiful. Our room faces the back side of a church built in 1420 that weight across the street from us. There is a king burried in the church as well as other royalty. We know this because we toured this church, which is called New Church. Coincidentally, if you buy a ticket to get into New Church, you can also tour Old Church. So if New Church was started in 1420,when was Old Church built? Answer: 1300s. Pretty amazing. This is an old town.

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