Friday, March 26, 2010

Exceeding expectations

Jared went to the doctor yesterday and she was very impressed with the progress Jared has made. His mobility in his right leg exceeded her expectations. The blood work was better than she thought it would be. Plus, the pain in his leg is now gone! Overall, a really good visit. Jared went to a full week of school. He is exhausted, though. He made it to seminary twice this week. He probably would have made it everyday if he didn't stay up until after midnight every night trying to catch up on homework. Jared is completely caught up in two of his classes. He is excited about that. He is getting there. Everyone's prayers have made a huge difference to Jared. Thanks for keeping Jared in your thoughts and prayers.


Mary said...

We're so glad that Jared is doing better. I know that Brendon & Taylor wanted to host a family camp-out this summer but I'm not sure when. We'll give it some thought. My computer has been on the blink for a couple of weeks so I have been out of the loup. But I'm back with a new hard drive and a new monitor. It's like having one of your kids sick!!!!

Christi said...

I have been thinking of him and wondering how he was doing. I'm glad to hear he is getting better. I hope his progress continues.

Tyff said...

I'm so glad Jared is recovering so well. We'll have to go down to Utah to see you guys when you come.