Friday, March 26, 2010

Spring in North Carolina

This forsythia bush is glowing in my backyard right now. Each morning as I come down this bright yellow bush is almost fluorescent with the morning sun lighting it. It makes me happy. It's been a long, cold winter for North Carolina and I thought spring would never get here. One weekend I was so desperate to get going on my garden I went to Home Depot and bought a starter kit and planted a bunch of seeds. They are happily growing in my square-foot garden now.

It seems each spring brings an "awakening". We find ourselves very busy with social events and other commitments. Kennedy and Tristan are both in soccer for the first time. This is new to us and the once a week practice and Saturday games keep us busy.

I was recently accused by someone (I'm not naming names) that I don't take pictures of my kids. To prove her wrong, here are some recent photos of the kids.

This is what happens when you are born with dimples and a sweet personality to boot and you have a bossy sister. . . .Don't they look like they are about to crash a party at the White House?
Jack is turning out to be a crazy kid. He is determined to keep up with the other two. He is in his element when he is outside. Mark my words, he will be my first ER child! He sure is cute though.


Mary said...

Christi: You did great with your pictures. I can't believe how much the kids have grown since we saw them last. I had to laugh at Kennedy & Tristan on the way to crash a ball at the White House.

Alison said...

So funny. That'll be one to blackmail him with as he gets older. (i.e. graduation slide show, etc.)

Christi said...

Oh, Alison, if you only knew how many "blackmail" files I have on Tristan. . .

woodshopron said...

We have a pic of Tyff and Brendon dressed up as each other. We should find it and put in on here. You can't tell who is who unless you look real close. Great pics Sis. Keep um coming.

Tyff said...

Cute pics! I laughed out loud at the one of Tristan dressed up! I don't think I ever did that to Brendon. Only my parents are that evil!