Monday, February 18, 2008

Grandma Heaven

This was a good weekend! For the first time ever we hosted our granddaughter, Rachel, on a one-on-one basis with no interference from parents, friends or siblings. She was OURS for three whole days. We loved it. Rachel and I joined the Cedar City Lowes on Saturday and we toured the Parade of Homes in St. George. We enjoyed the day and were both visibly shaken by the extranvagances invested in the homes valued at five and six million dollars. But it was the two-lane bowling alley and 20+ pinball machines in the basement of a Snow Canyon home that blew the top off the kettle. We kept shaking our heads in disbelief. Are there really people in this world who would want a bowling alley in their basement? Yep, we saw it with our own eyes. Rachel and I had some good talks while she was here and she joined me at the Quilt Shop on Monday and we had lunch together. I was sad to see her leave. It makes me realize over and over how much I love my grandchildren, each and every one, and how I delight in having them visit our home, especially on a one-on-one basis. Who wants to be next?


Alison said...

So Rachel's been initiated into the Granddaughters at the Quilt Shop club. Sounds like you had a great time.
Guess what? We think we're coming down for spring break--mid-April. Can you handle that?

Mary said...

Yeah, I think I could handle some company for spring break. Do we have to wait that long? I'm thinking we need to finish Tamsyn's quilt. Maybe I could hop up that way for a day.

Alison said...

We could go for that, too. Just let us know when.

Lyssa said...

ohh oh oh pick me, pick me! i want to come stay the weekend, or even a few weeks with you. i had a blast at the parade of homes, i'm so glad you 2 came!