Monday, February 25, 2008


We had a great weekend. Saturday was our ward temple day--babysitting provided at the church. The only problem is that our church is nowhere near the temple. It was at least another 30-40 minute drive after we dropped the kids off and then again after our session. It was a long day for the kids and Tristan was asleep when we picked them up. It was really nice to go with my husband though. We have only done that a handful of times since we had Kennedy.
It was a beautiful day Saturday so I headed outside and started planting my garden. I planted some cool-weather things, onions, carrots, peas and cilantro. Hopefully we won't have a drought again this summer and I won't feel guilty watering all these things.
Hope all of you are well. It sure would be nice to hear from the brothers. . . .hint, hint.

1 comment:

Alison said...

How fun to be planting already. Our garden plot is still under snow, despite the inches of rain we've had on it.
I tried cilantro last year. The problem was by the time the tomotoes were ready it had gone to seed and I couldn't use it for my salsa. Are the seeds cumin or coriander? I don't remember.