Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Jake - I think I will irritate Steve by getting up in the wee hours in the morning to go pee. Ha Ha, look at me. Bark Bark.
Steve - Ooh, Jake, you make me so mad sometimes. I'll show you. I'll close all the bedroom doors so you won't have a comfortable place to lay your head after you do your business. Ha Ha, look at me. Scoff Scoff.
Jake - What, Mandy's door is closed. Ha ha, look at me. Bark Bark. Wake up again, Steve.
Steve - Jake, settle down, you pathetic little creature. Look at me. Scold Scold.
Jake - OK, you forbid me to bark. You take away all my comfortable places to lay down. I'll plant myself on the second step on the stairs. Look at me. Quiet Quiet.
Steve - I'm ready for church. Time to go downstairs for some breakfast. Where is the miserable little creature. At least all is quiet. And dark. Ha ha, look at me. I step on the dog and down the stairs I go on my derriere . Half way down I realize I am actually having fun. Ha ha, look at me. Weeeee! I win.

1 comment:

Alison said...

Thanks, Steve, for reminding me why I've never wanted a barking dog. However, I'm not sure a furniture-scratching cat is any better.