Tuesday, June 1, 2010

CAMPING, Camping, and more camping!!

Well hello to all!!! I know I have been kind of a slacker lately and haven't posted anything for a while so here is the latest. We just got home from our Memorial Weekend camping trip a few hours ago and I thought to myself... "Self, you really need to stop slackin and get some pictures up on the blog tonight." Since Brendon is showering, I figured I'd stop dinkin around on Facebook and get a post up.

This Memorial was a little different for us. Usually we spend Memorial weekend and any other big holiday weekend up at my family's property, however not this year. We traveled the very short distance to one of our favorite spots up Spanish Fork canyon. It takes about 30 minutes to get from our house to the camp spot. We did a little wheeler riding, a little fishing, and a very short swim. In that I mean Brendon tossed his line into the stream and got it caught on a branch and I went in and untangled it. BRRRRRR!! My sister and her family joined us on our trip and even though we had to deal with other people and the horrific traffic coming home, we had a really good time.

Yes, this is Michael laying in the dirt. He just loves getting dirty!

I just thought I would put these up so you all could see just how bad the traffic was coming home today. And the best part was that we got to go back up and do it all again to get the trailer home.

For our anniversary every year we take a vacation of a little southern camping. We went to the same spot this year that we went to last, down by Zion. The weather didn't like us much that weekend till the very end. We were able to visit Red Cliffs and hike up to the pools. We had a really good time but decided that next year instead of taking a vacay in April, we are just going to extend our Memorial weekend.
This last picture of Michael is just too cute not to share with everyone. He is such a cheeser whenever the camera comes out. We took this out on one of our walks.
We hope all is well and look forward to seeing hopefully all of you here in a couple of months!!


Mary said...

I loved your post and especially all of the pictures. I'm looking forward to Michael's birthday. I can't believe he will be two already.

talltimber said...

Taylor, you're awesome! Enjoyed the pictures and commentary.