Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father Bird

For the past few weeks we have enjoyed watching our own nature show under the awning of our back porch. Not sure what kind of birds they are (should have done some research) but they were fun to watch. The nest was mostly built before we noticed what was going on. Both the Mother and the Father worked hard gathering twigs and straw and things to make a cozy home for their babies. I would like to think the Father had some input on where to build the nest as it was nestled up tight against the north-east corner, able to withstand some 40 to 50 mph winds we had this spring. We discovered that with a hand mirror and a chair we could get a glimpse of the tiny baby blue colored eggs, 5 in all. We watched as they took turns sitting on the eggs. On one occasion as I thought I was about to witness an exchange, instead I saw Father bird feed his mate. After they hatched we watched as mom and dad took turns sitting with and bringing food to the babies. It seemed that the dad was feeding them the most. Two weeks from the time they hatched I was in the back yard mowing the lawn and decided to take a quick peek to see how they were doing. Much to my dismay and horror, two of the babies fluttered out of the nest as I must of startled them. I quickly ran into the house barking the command, "don't let the dog out". I went out the front door and then around the side of the house to watch and see if they would fly back up to the nest. After a few minutes I watched the father come swooping in calling to his babies. He flew to a low hanging branch where he knew they could fly up to. I left before they flew from this branch but felt comfort knowing they were being cared for by a loving dad. The birds are gone now but an impression remains. Just as in nature, we were provided with shelter, food, protection, love and care untill we left the nest, and after we left the nest. Thank you Dad. You are the best! Love, Ron

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