Thursday, September 4, 2008

"Campin in the Rain"

I'm sure you all know that we spent our Labor Day weekend camping. What else would we be doing? Again we chose to go to a new place besides our property and we ended up in the mountains by Castledale Utah. We went with my cousin and her family. She brought their new addition, Jessie Rain, who is about 7 weeks old and we proved once more that you can go camping with little ones. Michael had a great time as he always does outside. One day we drove up to a lake and did a little fishing. Brendon did catch a couple but nothing big enough to eat. On Sunday night the big storm blew in and we got rained on pretty hard. It woke us up and kept going all night. We were in our little trailer and my cousin was using our tent trailer. All Brendon and I could think about while we were getting pounded by the rain, was "How is Toni doing?" So when it let up a little I sprinted over to them hoping that they weren't soaked, and when I opened the door....they were dry as a bone and dead asleep.
Here is a picture of our happy camper and all of us, including Chevis, at the lake fishing. After the rain let up Monday morning we packed up and headed home.

Later on Monday evening my mom arrived for her week stay with us. She is watching Michael during the day while I go to work. Tuesday was my first day back and I sure have alot of things to work on to get it back to the way it was before I left. Hopefully I won't be there that long to even worry about it. All I think about all day is my precious baby boy! Michael is getting so strong! He loves to stand up. And seeing that smile will melt anyone's heart!
We hope all is well with everyone! Love you!
Here is Michael and his cousin Jessie hanging out in the pack n play camping!


Alison said...

You're brave to camp out in that storm. We cancelled the boat and wave runners we had rented when we heard the forecast and were glad we did. We almost lost one of our apple trees in the wind.

Christi said...

Looks like fun. Michael is a lucky boy! Jack doesn't stay awake long enough to go anywhere. I did take him and Tristan to the Life and Science Museum today though. It was fun. Jack slept the whole time! My friend had a baby boy a week after we did and he weighs 20 lbs already. Can you believe that?