Sunday, September 14, 2008


We finally had someone make the drive to see where we live! Jason's parents drove up yesterday afternoon. We showed them our house and neighborhood, and went for a walk on the greenbelt to see the "duts" as Siennah calls them. After that we had a barbeque and watched a movie. Today we went to church and had lunch but Jason's parents had to leave shortly after that. It was a really short visit but I'm glad they got to come see where we live.
I loved reading Josh and Derek's post about school. That is so fun that you are living together.
And I love Mandy's birthday invitation. That is so cute and creative. Speaking of birthdays, we are going to be having a 1st birthday party for Siennah either the last Sat. in September or the first Sat. in October. We are having issues with finding a time when everyone will be able to come. But as soon as we get it all figured out, you are all invited to come. I will be sending out invitations shortly. I'm pretty sure we are having it at our friend's house in Lehi.
I hope you are all doing well. It's so fun to see more postings and pictures lately. I'm going to shock you all and post a recipe that I tried out last night and it was a hit!
Love, Tyff

1 comment:

Alison said...

Great to hear from you, Tyff. Just let us know about the party. I won't be able to come on the last Saturday in September (my birthday also) because I'll be getting a stake dinner ready for the Relief Society broadcast that night. But don't plan around me. My family can always come without me.