Sunday, September 21, 2008


I have made a few notes to myself this week that I thought I would share. . .
  • Note to self: toilet brushes are not good for cleaning leather sofas (thanks, Tristan)
  • Not to self: masking tape is not good for windows, especially if the tape has been on a window that gets the direct afternoon sun (thanks, Kennedy)
  • Note to self: a snack in the van is worth more than a case of mac n cheese at home
  • Note to self: Sacrament meeting with three kids and no dad is destined to be a three-ring circus

Tristan has found the"terrible" side of two. I sure love him but he has a way of throwing things (sippy cups, toys, food, tantrums). He wants mom's attention a lot but scrubbing the leather sofa with a dirty toilet brush is not the way to her heart.

Kennedy has enjoyed going to preschool five days a week. We are carpooling with a friend but she lives farther away than we do so we are in the van for about an hour. She takes the kids to school and I bring them home. Unfortunately, since we are in the van so long Tristan falls asleep half the time and then his nap is over for the day.

Chris left yesterday for Boston. He is giving a talk at the annual radiation oncology meeting. I took the kids to church today anticipating that things would go well. Jack was sleepy but instead of falling asleep he had a meltdown during the sacrament. I told Kennedy to stay with our friend and told Tristan to come out with me. He didn't understand and stayed until I got out the door. Then I heard, "MOMMY!!!!! WAIT!!!!!" The door came open again and a terrified little boy came running out. Oh, if only this were the worst of it. I got Jack settled down and took them back in to sit down. Just as I did Jack started screaming again and Kennedy and Tristan starting fighting over a coloring book. More screaming, "MINE!!!" "NO! MINE" Again, I took Jack and Tristan out and decided it would be a better meeting if we weren't there today. Another friend came out to the hallway to ask if there was anything I needed. "Yes", I said, "some Calgon" (Calgon, take me away for those of you who don't remember the old commercials)!

To end on a positive note, we celebrated paying off our student loans this week and Jack is now sleeping 12 hours at night. YEAH!


Alison said...

Okay, I won't complain about my crazy life anymore. At least I get a few moments of peace and quiet during sacrament meeting. (My children are quiet, anyway). Wouldn't it be nice if Calgon could take us away sometimes?

Mary said...

I won't complain about my crazy life either. Speaking of toilet brushes, I found a good use for one. I sweep it over the quilt I am working on and it grabs every loose thread in sight. It beats picking them up one-by-one.

Christi said...

Mom, I hope you are using a new brush for that!