Sunday, September 14, 2008

Gale Tale

We had our annual Garden feast at the Gales today--corn, squash, potatoes, cabbage, all gathered from the garden. Yum, yum! Joyce always comes up with a story about one of her family members, so here it is. Every year, Carmen and Richard make the trek to the State Fair with their prize ram. They set up camp with the Yardleys, bring their lawn chairs and have a good time visiting while the kids have a ball. Blaize and Justice have been part of it, too. This year Blaize announced that he had to go to the bathroom. Richard said, "Well, you know where it is, so just hurry back". It was within their eye sight so they watched him go and then went back to their visiting. Quite some time later Carmen said, "I wonder where Blaize is, he sure is taking his time". Richard said, "Oh, he's probably found somebody to talk to". Blaize is a kid who likes to talk to anybody. Finally Carmen insisted that Richard go to find him. Well, Blaize was nowhere to be found. This created quite a stir among those present and they all began the search to find Blaize. They looked every where including the carnival rides, still no Blaize. They even went so far as to alert Security that they had a missing boy. Finally Richard checked in the "chicken house", an unlikely place for a young boy to locate. But, there he was, making himself useful as a guide. As Richard stood there watching, Blaize conducted a walking tour for someone, explaining that "this chicken laid an egg yesterday and this chicken has some baby chicks, and this chicken is a thoroughbred, etc". Finally, Richard walked up to him, grabbed his ear, and scolded him for scaring them half to death. He explained that the police were looking for him and his grandma was crying because she thought she had lost him. Blaize started to cry because he surely thought he was going to be sent to "kid jail".

1 comment:

Alison said...

That's one funny Gale tale.