Thursday, September 4, 2008

First Day of Preschool

Thanks everyone for humoring me. I LOVED reading all the blog entries, didn't you? I loved all the pictures too. Now, that wasn't so bad was it? Let's keep it up.

Kennedy started dance last week and here she is in her cute dance outfit.

She also started preschool today. This is a picture of her outside her classroom. She has the lamest schedule this week. Yesterday we went for only 1/2 hour to meet her teacher and today and tomorrow they requested the children only come for 1 1/2 hours. It wasn't worth it for me to go home so I took the boys to the Life and Science Museum. Tristan loves that place. He got to play with some big Tonka trucks and we went through the butterfly house. He loves butterflies.

With this being a "slow-start" week I had to take Kennedy into her classroom and also pick her up. Normally there is a drop-off and pick-up line so I won't even have to get out of the car. I must have looked like a lunatic today taking all three of my kids in. I had to cross a street to get from the parking lot to the school. I had Jack in his car seat and was trying to get Tristan to hold my hand. He is so stubborn, that if I try he drops to the ground and almost knocks me over! Then he runs away from me and I try to keep up with him with Jack bobbing around in his carrier! This is how I get my work out!

Well, we are expecting a hurricane tomorrow so wish us luck! (Jack will probably sleep through it.)


BubandTay said...

Oh Kennedy looks so cute all dressed up and ready for school. So how is she liking it? That's funny that Jack sleeps all the time. Michael only takes like one good nap, but he does sleep about ten hours at night.

Alison said...

Good luck. It's been a bad hurricane season, hasn't it. I had to laugh at the image of you chasing Tristan with a car seat in hand. I guess I'm glad mine weren't that close in age. Somebody knew I couldn't do it.

Mary said...

I loved the pictures of the kids. Kennedy promised me she would have a picture taken in her dance outfit. Tell her I liked it a lot.