Monday, September 1, 2008

Plan B

The plan for our Labor Day weekend was to spend all day Saturday at the Storytelling festival and all day Monday at the lake. We had wave runners and a boat reserved with a rental company. So much for planning. This is what really happened.
Saturday--spent all day at a funeral. Did make it to the storytelling festival for the evening performance.
Monday--canceled boat and wave runners. Too cold. Spent the day at our house with various family members eating tacos and playing games. Here are a couple of photos as evidence. There are even smiles on faces to show that plan B turned out just fine.

Rachel, Derek and Josh, (Marcia, baby Piper, and Nicolas in the background) getting ready for a rousing game of Apples to Apples.

Derek surveys his creation of cards and candy.
By the way, the college students are enjoying themselves. We'll see if that continues after classes start tomorrow.


Christi said...

Oh, the college students. Is there any way you could convince them to post so we know what they are doing? Thanks for sharing. I wish we could have sent a little of our heat your way so you could have had plan A.

Alison said...

Me too. I'll work on those college students.